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Patrick Flanagan

Management of non profit organisations


  • Governance-
  • Management-


  • Health care and social assistance-
  • Public administration inc. Government relationships-

Spoken Languages:

State: Tasmania

Primary Locations:

  • Hobart-

Mentoring available by:

  • In Person, Face to Face in (Tasmania) or by Phone and online

I can also deliver mentoring by phone and online

Current Occupation:


Detailed CV:

Pat worked as Manager of a large, non profit, nursing home for fourteen years and then ten years as Regional Manager of an international charity organisation.  During Pat's time the nursing home had 150 employees and the charity over 80 employees and 700 volunteers.

Pat is a person with a broad knowledge of, and considerable practical experience, in the fields of management, human resources, policy development, work safety , accounting and staff recruitment.

He also completed six years (three terms) as a member of Australian Volunteers International and still serves on the Boards of other non-profit organist ions.

Pat brings to small business owners and non profit organisations a depth of practical skills in management, governance, strategic panning, finance and human relations.
